Merlin's Academy for Excellence
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to inactivity, Merlin's Academy is no longer a Harry Potter RP site. It is being used for CASUAL, CLEAN RP of ANY TOPIC among friends. If you wish to join, however, please feel free; we would love to make new friends. Thanks to everyone who made MAE what it was before, and we wish you all lots of love and a great life up ahead. <3

~Lor, Mads, Lyd, and Mel~
Merlin's Academy for Excellence
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to inactivity, Merlin's Academy is no longer a Harry Potter RP site. It is being used for CASUAL, CLEAN RP of ANY TOPIC among friends. If you wish to join, however, please feel free; we would love to make new friends. Thanks to everyone who made MAE what it was before, and we wish you all lots of love and a great life up ahead. <3

~Lor, Mads, Lyd, and Mel~
Merlin's Academy for Excellence
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Merlin's Academy for Excellence

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~Month: September~

Year: 2017

~Season: Autumn~

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     Bathroom description

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    Ariel Wilde
    Ariel Wilde
    Potioneers In-Training
    Potioneers In-Training

    Posts : 87
    Location : Drumnadrochit/MAE

    Bathroom description Empty
    PostSubject: Bathroom description   Bathroom description EmptySun Apr 20, 2014 4:14 pm

    Bathroom description Modern-bathroom

    The first floor bathroom is for usage of guests and, of course, the residing family. It is quite large with a wonderful, tropical shower and a nice bathtub.
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    Bathroom description

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